
John Buscema - Thor 247 p2

Page c panel 1 - another suspensful bit where were not sure if Firelord is still under hypnosis or what - note the expression on the girl's face - pretty worried but still defiant - panel 2 - fire is exagerated for dramatic effect - jewel hidden fromview for suspense... panel 3 - good body language on girl - hair, flame and hand all intertwine to focus attention on jewel, Firelord neutral body language for suspense... panel 4 - enlarged, tensed hand perfectly illustrates girl's desperate action and domineering character, links Firelord's face( expression is neutral yet somewhat willful) with his hand (that's holding the jewel). Page c panel 5 - close-up of fist - climax - as the latina girl's plans definitively crumble, dig the almost symbolic focus as the source of her powers and plans are crushed. panel6 - essentially the same as panel 1 - except expressions and composition show a reversed balance of power - this is the fourthclose-up of her face over 3 pages and one can see a progression of her expression from defiant to defeated panel 7 - quick-cut transition - great dynamic shot - creates a new tense situation... /  


Page 33 of that strip I'm doing, fresh off the griddle... introducing Wulfgar the Dane and another character known only as 'The Masked Knight'...


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